
Home > Europe > Portugal > Ericeira > ERICEIRA ONLY B&B PACK B > SURFING IN ERICEIRA


Portugal, Ericeira

Ericeira is world wide famous for the quality of its surf spots! It's often compared with the Seven miracled miles in Hawaii, cause, in just few kilometers w can find many quality reefs and point breaks. such as  Ribeira d'Ilhas. Pedra Branca, Reef, Coxos, etc...known internationally among the best spots in Europe.

This stretch of coast offers many quality reef breaks and beach breaks of the same quality, so whatever your surfing level, you will have the chance to find the right waves for you!

The Portuguese coast has the highest frequency of waves throughout Europe, even in summer the swells are very frequent. Quality waves insured!



One of the best waves in Portugal. Long right with powerful tubes on reef bottom, suitable for expert surfers.

Ribeira D'Ilhas

Right break point on flat reef accessible to intermediate and advanced levels. Waves very long, with fast sections and more slow sections. Great spot for maneuvers!

Sao Juliao

Very exposed break open, with various peaks, great for all levels thanks to the sandy bottom. In windless or offshore days, it gives fun tubes.

Pedra Branca

The best left wave of Ericeira. Deep tubes and vertical drops, suitable only for experienced surfers.

Foz do Lizandro

Beach with many peaks suitable for all levels, great for surf school. Sometimes, it breaks a beautiful right wave on flat reef, to the north side of the beach.